Part 45: The SunHammer Recap
Previously on Myth III
We melted five Trow Temples with the SunHammer.
It's a cool idea, but it doesn't work. You just can't base a level around killing Trow, and only Trow. Bonds of the Oghre and Rebellion could have worked if there were more Oghre in the levels, and they didn't die so quick. But this is just not cool. I will give props for the SunHammer effect, it's really cool as it's building up for the blinding flash, allowing the swap-out of temple models. The sound effect works great too. Everything else in the level falls a bit flat. It's not truly awful, but it's not good either.
I was really happy I was able to show off the Trow healing tactic. It's a terrible idea to try and do that normally, even though it worked out for me here.

I love the expression on this Trow. "Uh oh...."

Game film:

As with Trow levels, one mistake could mean a whole lot of unit death. I had a successful run where I lost a Berserk or two and five dwarves, but decided to redo the whole thing anyway knowing I could do better (and show off healing Trow).

The first cock-up was footage from my first success run that I re-did. Even with one dwarf, you can stunlock Trow long enough to kill them, as long as Connacht is running around behind making the Trow spin in place instead of advancing on the dwarves. As for that second one - cocktail physics can get you every time.

We get Berserk Hero units for the first time, and new flavor text:
"...'Fight them. Fight knowing that your ancestors fight along side of you. Fight with the blood of the long dead and honored in your body. Fight through wounds and hunger and pain. Fight until your sword breaks - and then fight with your fists and teeth. Fight the enemy until death reaches its hands towards you - and then fight death as well...'"
"...blood and rain fell upon the ground among the flame and smoke of the burning village. Torgund was all that remained to guard the women's escape. 'Torjhal! Watch my deeds!', he cried, leaping into the wall of undead with bestial ferocity. Axes cleaved into him, but he felt not the blows. He was consumed by the wrath of his ancestors, and was the vessel of their vengeance..."

Unarmored "civilian" version of Trow Iron Warriors. Unlike Priests and Iron Warriors, these guys are very fast, and can surprise you with their speed. Their kicks are deadly and can kill even strong units in one attack. In 'The SunHammer' level, explosions freeze them in place for an absurb length of time; otherwise the only tactic to deal with their power is to mob them with melee and take casualties.
Not all Trow are Warriors or Priests. Most Trow live contented in their kingdoms of iron, waited upon by their Oghre slaves. Although decadent, they are still Trow, capable of kicking their way through a force of soldiers. As a Trow is slain, its life force is destroyed, and only its stony husk remains to crumble into boulder-sized pieces.
"...Arrogant? I think not. We are great thinkers and builders - our monuments will last until the world ends. We are ancient - we walked among the beasts that would become you 'younger races'. We are reverent - ever loyal and respectful to our creator. We are powerful - unbeaten in any battle. Why should we not be rulers of the world?"
"...late in the Age of Reason, Avatara made contact with the Trow to speak of peace. The Avatara told of human cities and castles built by their hand. The Trow stated, 'The first buildings on land were our creation'. The Avatara spoke of the powerful sorceries mastered by humans. The Trow said, 'The first magics were created by the Callieach. We slew them'..."
Next time on Myth III
Connacht and his forces descend on the Trow capital of Rhi'anon. Raising the SunHammer and emitting its blinding white light, Connacht is shocked to see the city still standing. Somewhere in the Trow capital is The Heartstone of Nyx, a magical artifact the Trow's creator gave to her children to protect them. It must be destroyed if the Trow are to be defeated.